Visit a Part of History in Flanders

Regardless of whether the Kazakh tourists who are about to visit Belgium are history enthusiasts or not, this next attraction is a must have on any tourist’s list, precisely because history was made in this place. This page will offer avid tourists more information about Flanders and the amazing war front that lay where the city unravels its current beauty.markt

As it is well known, the role of Belgium on the front lines of World War I was very important, and all the essential action was concentrated particularly on the battlefields of Flanders, which nowadays have become a land of pilgrimage for war and history aficionados and average tourists alike, which all come to sense and live a part of history.

Having a great historical importance, the battlefield of Flanders is riveted with war trenches, which spread across kilometers around the town of Ypres, which have been meticulously preserved in order to depict as close as possible the realities of war and all the hardships that the soldiers were enduring in that period.

Furthermore, in addition to the numerous trenches that run for kilometers, the grounds at Flanders are also filled with cemeteries and graveyards which remain as timeless witnesses for the numerous soldiers which have lost their lives defending their country on the battlefield of Flanders. Two of the most prominent cemeteries which attest to the cruelty which the soldiers were subjected to on this battlefield are the Tyne Cot Cemetery, which is British and the Langemark German War Cemetery. These two alone represent the solid proof of the brutal fighting that took place there during the war.

All those who wish to find out even more about historical elements in Belgium which might be of tourist interest are invited to browse the following pages, where more information will be provided.

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